Friday, January 3, 2014

Christmas 2013

We had a lovely Christmas this year. We spent it with our families in little rock and Dallas, and then spent a few days at home in Boston before heading back to work.

At the mcelderry's in LR we did a special Christmas program that was very tender, where we had some music and a nice activity where everyone reflected on their past year. I felt so very close to everyone. 

In Dallas, we did another Christmas celebration with a beautiful dinner (see my moms lovely place settings). We spent most of our time sewing and relaxing together. What a treat. Also- a Christmas miracle. My dad had another pet scan and is still cancer free. Considering the scary events and treatments the last two years, this is such a relief and blessing to our family. 

When we came back to boston we got our house in order. We also went skiing, which was a blast. We hope to go again soon. 

Happy new year!

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