Thursday, April 20, 2017

Some 2016 Favorites from John's Phone

What a joy this kid is! Here he is with a sort of mullet doing his favorite thing -eating!

A spring visit to Houston to meet my sister's pup Obi. Obi is now about as large as this cage and 4-5x as big as Bennett!

 We took a trip to New Hampshire with friends and Bennett enjoyed his first easter egg hunt. What a cute bunny!
 Memoral Day Weekend we camped with friends, while on a bike ride Bennett pointed and said "Owl!" We looked over and through the forest there was an owl. I could hardly believe it! I have never seen an owl in the wild before-- and my 1.5 year old spotted it.
 Reading at a book store. Bennett enjoyed 100s of books in 2016  - one of his favorite pastimes.
 In June we went to Orlando with some friends - Bennett loved Disney and has since become obsessed with Mickey Mouse.
 Summer was filled with lots of fun visitors and late nights with friends. I love this "action shot" of John trying to be 16 again.
 Sunday night bonfires with friends were the norm - here my friend Wanda and I are catching pokemon (this app lasted about 12 hours on my phone).
 Fall cleanup - my mammoth sunflowers did not disappoint.
 A visit in the fall from Nana. Bennett sure loves his nana.
 John looks so cute here - had to post... dressing room selfie for the win!
 Just a few weeks before Lucy was born we took the cog railway up to the top of mt washington (tallest peak on east coast). It was stunning!! The colors were amazing - this is a trip I will never forget.
 John and I at the temple a few days before Lucy was born.
 About to pop!
 My beautiful Lucy right after birth.
 Bennett and Nana loving on Lucy. It was so magical having my mom in town.
 Bennett as Mickey Mouse for halloween. Halloween was tricky this year as Lucy was just a few days old. I missed out on seeing Bennett really trick or treat - but I did manage to sneak into a few gatherings even just for a few minutes so I could see him. This was the first year he really "got it". He did a great job saying trick or treat and thank you.
 My mom did some photo shoots when Lucy was brand new. She is such a doll...
 Life with two kids. Always looking tired, always having one kid not going along with the program and always having your hands full. I couldn't love anything more than being a mother.
 In November, for thanksgiving, John's parents and his brother Daniel & Family came to visit us. Bennett was in heaven with his cousins. He was in such a funk when they left. Here he is saying goodbye to Avery. It was such a sweet moment.
 John and I snuck away to the Nutcracker in Boston in December. I have always wanted to go see the nutcracker and it did not disappoint.

2016 was an amazing year. I am so grateful for all we learned and experienced and that we could welcome Lucy into our family.

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